3 Fun Weekend Trip Ideas for Winter It is no secret that the DMV gets chilly in the winter time. Temperatures drop, we migrate indoors and life can definitely slow down for the better. But being inside can also cause a bit of cabin fever. If you are feeling antsy, plan a weekend
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A woman sleeping in bed with a glass of water on the nightstand. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Tall Drink of Water

Shorter Sleep Can Lead to Dehydration Adults who sleep just six hours per night — as opposed to eight — may have a higher chance of being dehydrated, according to a study by Penn State. These findings suggest that those who don’t feel well after a night of poor sleep may want to
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How Your Life Changes After Having Kids The kissing song says that “first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage.” Well, the lyrics left that song incomplete. It never told you what came of the parents. That is something you never really thought
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