
Couple dressed in white wearing hats sitting on a dock in front of a thatch hut looking out at clear blue water & a blue sky. (Photo: Getty Images)

Travel Bug

Planning a Vacation with Your Partner The weather is finally getting its act together, and with summer around the corner, we all have one thing on our mind: vacation. It is long over due, and you have already forgotten what it is like, which means you need to get away ASAP.
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Show some love by helping out with dishes. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Compassion is Key

The Gift of Giving Leads to Forever According to a new study by psychologists at University of Rochester, compassion is essential if you are seeking happily ever after with your significant other. While this may sound obvious, there is actual science to back this up. Performing
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A recent study found Facebook users live longer. (Photo: iStock)

Live Long & Facebook?

Online Social Interactions, Long Life Linked Is social media good for you, or bad? Well, it’s complicated. A study of 12 million Facebook users suggests that using the social media site is associated with living longer – when it serves to maintain and enhance your real-world
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