moving in

A man and woman holding hands and a set of keys with stacks of boxes and a plant in the background. (Photo: iStock Photo)

Moving In?

Before Making This Move, Think Twice Moving in with a significant other is a major step in every relationship. You have reached a point where you are comfortable enough to share space for long periods of time, and think you are ready to test it long-term. Sounds insane, but if
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Living together is great, but there is a lot of work to make sure it is successful. (Photo: Getty Images)

Making the Move!

Deciding to Live with Your Signficiant Other Dating someone serious? Thinking about moving in together? Well slow your horses and evaluate a few essential things first. First, you need to set a budget. Yes, talking about money is awkward, but start there to see if this is even a
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Moving in is stressful, but there are many perks. (Photo: Shutterstock)


Are You Ready to Move In Together? You have probably heard the saying “you don’t know someone until you live with them.” The same goes for couples. While you are close, you may not know all of your significant other’s little quirks and weird habits,
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