american heart association

Woman clutching her chest. (Photo: Dr. Axe)

Heart Murmur?

Early Diagnosis Key to Heart Valve Issues Heart valves control the direction of blood flow, and when something interrupts their precision, the effect can be dire.   Aortic valve stenosis, according to the American Heart Association, is the most common and most serious of
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Ohio State University researchers have found that a fatty acid in grapeseed oil reduces heard disease and diabetes better than olive oil. (Photo: Getty Images)

So Long EVOO

Grapeseed Oil May Cut Heart Disease, Diabetes Better Than Olive Oil: Study The risk of developing heart disease and diabetes may be lowered by a diet higher in a lipid found in grapeseed and other oils, but not in olive oil, a new study suggests. Researchers at The Ohio State
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A Mayo Clinic study showed energy drinks could lead to heart problems. (Illustration: Sam Wooley)

New Study

Energy Drinks May Cause Heart Problems We’ve all heard that “Red Bull give you wings,” but could it and other energy drinks like Monster, Rockstar and 5-Hour Energy also give you a heart attack? Some say the caffeine-packed drinks give them energy, but for
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